Wallpapers in this website are the copyrighted property of their owners. WallpaperChill is a community-supported website with much of its content either published, uploaded by the user community, or gathered from a variety of resources, including free image or wallpaper sources.
Although published content is believed to be permitted to be shared and used, personally as mobile wallpaper by the uploader, or author, or as content licensed in the public domain. All images on this website are copyright of their respective authors. Therefore, if you wish to use these images for any other use, you must obtain the permission of their respective authors.
If you have a problem with a wallpaper published on our website, please contact us with the title or URL of the wallpaper, and the reason for your concern. Whether it’s your own wallpaper that you’ve created and don’t want to share, or it could be something you might find obvious, unethical, inappropriate, etc. WallpaperChill reserves the right to decide whether or not to store any user-submitted wallpapers.
We do not intend to infringe on anyone’s copyright, and take this matter very seriously. If you are the copyright owner of a particular image, please report it using “report image“, by providing us with the URL of the image.